JACIO ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED (JEL) is a private owned company with registration number RC1346232. JEL is an environmental firm which provides analytical services for the oil shale and mineral exploration industries. JEL is registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of the federal republic of Nigeria, Nigeria Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) and Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENv).
The focus of JEL is in the provision of a broad range of sophisticated, state-of-the-art services to six main markets: Environmental sectors (Environmental Based Studies (EBS), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Post Impact Assessment (PIA) etc., Minerals (Geochemistry, Metallurgy, Mine and Inspection); Life Sciences (Environmental, Food & Pharmaceutical, Animal Health and Toxicology); Energy (Coal and Oil & Gas) and to continue to remain at the forefront of the testing services industry, building an enviable reputation. Our staffs are well seasoned in the above mentioned areas with over 10 years of experience. Our main laboratory is strategically located in the heart of Warri, Delta State with various offices in various parts of the world including Dubai and USA.